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Having worked with so many people over the years these are but a few of the reviews that I have on record. It has been and is an honour.

Sarah Patient review

Rebecca first treated me around 1997, when I was suffering from symptoms which has been diagnosed as multiple sclerosis. At the Tim, I was very depressed, having lost my job and some friends through the illness and had relationships and family problems too. I was taking a cocktail of orthodox medications which left me feeling ill, spaced out and toxic. I had difficulties walking and relied on careers and disabled aids, like a stair lift. When I started seeing Rebecca, I was very sceptical about wether she would be able to help me, as I did not really believe in Homoeopathy.


Rebecca always treated me with care and compassion, and I never felt judged. I found the consultations really helpful and the Homoeopathic prescriptions soon helped me come off of my medications, rebalancing my system and I even got stronger and better at walking. MS-type flare-ups reduced in severity and frequency too. My system no longer felt toxic and I was able to think clearly again.


I was so impressed with Homoeopathy and Rebecca’s care that I trained a Homoeopath myself and now run Phoenix Homoeopathy Rebecca’s an inspirational person and a talented Homoeopath. I will always be grateful for all her help and for helping me to find myself and my true path. Bless you Becs.

Linda Patient review

I was referred to Rebecca Sturgeon by my GP and then have been a patient of hers for the last six months.

During the last 2 years I have had numerous urinary tract infections one after the other. After trying many antibiotics I was still in the same position. A fortuitous discussion with my doctor led to my introduction to Rebecca and the world of Homoeopathy.

Since starting my Homoeopathic remedies I have felt so much better and the urinary infections have become few and far between. 

Rebecca’s approach to treating the whole individual has been a revelation to me opening up a wider understanding of my body and myself.

Rebecca’s encouragement, support and availability at all-time has been exceptional. I highly recommend Rebecca to anyone who requires healing in the most unobtrusive, natural way.

Patient review

I would recommend Rebecca, both personally and professionally! Rebecca has a very professional and compassionate approach to her work and passion, as a Homoeopath, which I have personally experienced and benefitted from, especially emotionally! I have found that Rebecca’s approach to health, really compliments Kinesiology! As a Holistic Life Coach.
I have recommended Rebecca to many of my clients, with great success for my clients well being and health!

Patient review

Before I have started to go to Rebecca to be treated, I suffered from a chronic general unwellness in my system for about ten years due to becoming very ill in the East and never fully recovering really.
I have been treated by Rebecca for over 1 year now and not only do I vouch for her as a remarkable intuitive healer, but also that I can trust her instincts about my body and where to go first. 

She is kind and direct. She is sensitive and intuitive ... she is an astute sympathetic listener and incredibly insightful regarding her patients' condition. She cures effectively with her remedies, it is a relief
to find a homeopath that does not beat around the bush with people's health. Needless to say I am a different person and do not hesitate to consult her if any member in my family is unwell.

I have trusted her completely, her remedies are simply spot-on.

My health is steady and normal again and I am strong and able to carry on with life.
Rebecca also has the ability to focus on both health and psyche and she is able to find the missing links to bind and balance her petient's wellbeing into perfect balance again.

I highly recommend her as a healer and homeopath. 

Patient review

Hi Rebecca, 

Just thought I'd let you know how things are going. Since I've seen you I've had much much better sleep, still wake up a bit in the night but not so much insomnia! Life seems to have calmed down a notch and not so stressful - although still as busy and as much to do and as much of the usual pressures but think I must be coping a lot 

better. I guess your remedies are hard at work (followed your instructions to the T). And I've stopped taking my contraceptive pill which I guess must be making some kind of difference (no ibs problems since I've seen you at all)! 

Was lovely to meet you and thank you again so much for accommodating me with a reduction in your fees, I do feel a whole lot better and will certainly recommend a homeopathic route to anyone who might need it. 

Patient review

I have had the good fortune of being recommended to go and see Rebecca Sturgeon for a homeopathic consultation. 

She really has turned my life around. 

I have been married to an alcoholic for 36 years. For the last 6 years I have been on antidepressants as I was not coping with the whole alcoholic situation. 

I felt that I needed to come off the antidepressants and get in touch with my feelings. I arrived on Rebecca’s doorstep, a fidgety nervous wreck. I didn’t realise it at the time as I felt it was quite normal the way I was behaving. 

Rebecca is so calm, peaceful and has such compassion. She listens and lets you talk. When you are finished she asks very pertinent questions or she might even interject whilst you are recounting your tale. 

She has the ability to get to ones very core and you say things that have been bottled up for a very, very long time and these are matters that actually need to be dealt with for one to heal as a person. 

Rebecca then gives medication which in my case was a life saver because exactly two weeks later my whole marriage came unstuck and my husband finally left our home which was very traumatic.( I would never have coped what with coming off the antidepressants etc.) 

When Rebecca talks to you she is summing up what medication you will need. In my case it was for overwhelming grief, the what if pills, the pills for extreme anger where you want to murder all those nearest and dearest to you. Pills to make you sleep right through the night and not wake up in the wee hours and start worrying about what next. 

She does not give you all these pills in one go, but with each consultation new problems may come up and Rebecca will prescribe the appropriate pills. 

She looks at the whole picture, your family,your background your work circumstances, your relationships with people, just everything. 

She has such insight into ones problems and she has the most incredible, sensible advice to give. 

I would recommend anyone who has a medical problem or a psychological problem to go and consult with Rebecca. 

More often than not a medical problem has its roots in our childhood and she by talking to you will pick up on that and treat you accordingly.

Jenny Patient review

I've been meeting Rebecca monthly for the past year in order to work on a particular chronic condition. Her treatment embraces the amazing connectedness of body, mind and soul and has given me a renewed sense of intrigue of discharges of all kinds! Her no-nonsense consultation style is warm and welcoming and there are few with whom I'm able to open up to so easily. I recommend her to everyone I know. 

Patient review

Rebecca is a caring, intuitive and knowledgeable partner for the healing process. When dealing with something acute, especially with children, she is an experienced mother and doctor who enables you to get through it easier with her support and help from the remedies. With more complex and deeper matters, I have found her innate wisdom and kindness backed with her homoeopathic know-how to have a profound impact. Filling the role of guide along a personal healing journey, I am amazed at the depths of the wounds we are healing and I am eternally grateful to both Rebecca and homoeopathy for walking the road with me

Sally Patient review

We have worked with Rebecca for many years now and trust her implicitly. It is so empowering as a parent to have someone on board you can work with effectively through illness who is able to hold the space for you and support the whole family. She is always kind and empathetic and astute in her judgement, whether it is an actual illness or an emotional issue, she works well in all realms. I can't recommend her highly enough and feel blessed 

to have her in our lives, I have learned so much from her and her courses are great too. 

Patient review

I found Rebecca’s consultations insightful and empowering. Her approach is gentle but forthright, offering a holistic view on dis-ease and tracing back the family lineage to detect old patterns still influencing the subconscious. I look forward a sessions with her the way one looks forward to wrapping a gift from a precious friend – she has helped me reclaim and integrate lost, broken parts of myself I have long missed. 

Homoeopathy for the Family Review

It has been a blessing finding Homeopathy through Rebecca. I completed the ‘family remedy’ course with her and this has provided me with the competence to help those that are ill around me – and if I’m unsure I always check with Rebecca. It is such a liberating feeling to be able to treat ones loved ones. 

Homoeopathy for the Family Review

Rebecca has treated our family for nearly 6 years, since the birth of our first child, and I’ve attended the homeopathy at home course. Homeopathy has become our first course of action for any dis-ease. Rebecca’s holistic approach, sensitivity and availability have made dis-ease far easier to manage, and we have seen the positive results of this simple non-invasive means of healing, over and over again. Thank-u! xxx 

Patient review

You are always professional and you have given me so much insight into the treatment I was receiving from you. I know when I leave your treatment room I have been given the best and most beneficial treatment from you. I have 

recommended you many times in my Homoeopathic practice and I know I will continue to recommend you. 

Patient review

I have worked with Rebecca on my health for the past six months. Where we have come to is EXACTLY where I would have wished to find myself, had I known the end from the beginning. We took the journey together and Rebecca helped me through. I am most grateful to her for her help. 

Patient review

Our daughter got eczema when she was about six months old. She didn't seem bothered by it but due to the fact that it was slowly spreading we tried out various alternative treatments. Amongst them were tissue salts, colloidal silver gel, cacao body butter, coconut oil and epiderm B. Nothing seemed to help and by nine months, more than a third of her body was covered. We were about to go the cortisone route but decided to try homeopathy as a last resort. 

After a few days of giving her Rebecca's remedies we

could already see an improvement and after one month it

had cleared completely!

Trisha Lord Consultant Patient review

For those of us who love Homeopathy, and have had exceptional experiences and results with and from it, there is something quite indescribable in the whole person experience it is to receive an authentic, homeopathic consultation. Some homeopaths, whilst technically efficient and even accurate in their diagnostics, do not create the experience I am trying to describe. It is an experience of being held, cared for, seen, listened to, deeply, and responded to uniquely. Rebecca Sturgeon is this kind of homeopath. I am not in the slightest bit new age or woo woo. I feel as though my health and that of my children is entirely safe in her hands. 

Homoeopathy for the Family Review

Rebecca is knowledgeable and sensitive to the individual. I have worked with her for myself and family for years and know every time I come from the consultation, I will have the right remedies and will get better. She is present, listens and is astute. I am also a teacher of small children and when parents send their kids to her, I see the effects on the children. One does not have to wait to get sick, I can even work on deep personal issues, find patterns and see changes which are long lasting. 

I have been working with Rebecca over the last 10 years. Her confidence in her knowledge and compassion has helped me in many areas of my life as well as my children. I also did her Homeopathy for the Home Course which I found very informative and empowering. Homeopathy is an amazing healing modality and Rebecca's knowledge and trust in the process has in turn given me the confidence over the years to also allow the body to heal with the vibrational intelligence that homeopathic remedies work with. Thank you. 

Patient review

Rebecca’s work facilitated me on the deepest level and brought me to where, had I known, I would have wanted to go. She really helped. I have never really seen homeopathy be effective and, although I had, in the past, consulted with homeopaths or people who prescribed homeopathic remedies, I had never been convinced. This changed with Rebecca and I now recognise and value the help of both Rebecca’s profound abilities and the power of the remedies she recommends.

Meagan Patient review

I can’t thank you enough for all you’ve done. If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have such a deep believe in Homeopathy and alternative medicine. You opened my eyes, and for that, I’ll always be grateful. You’ve lifted me up when I really needed it and for that, there aren’t words to express how grateful I am and how held I felt by you. I hope that you’ll be on the other side of Skype because I can’t believe that it ends here...

Much love

Homoeopathy for the Family Review

I loved your course and especially loved the relaxed vibe – the personal feel and small group was just awesome. All I can say is that people would be all the better off for coming to one of your courses to understand and appreciate how homoeopathy can change people’s lives. Your passion shines through and it is truly inspiring. I will definitely be referring people to you and encouraging them to do the course.
By the way, the Allium Cepa has worked like a charm for my hayfever – and so quickly! Whew – what relief.

Take care and thanks a mil for what you are doing.


Homoeopathy for the Family Review

Hi Rebecca,

I really loved your course, and just adore your no-nonsense, unapologetic and lively, natural style of teaching and yes I do feel confindent now to prescribe to my kids / dog / d***.

I also love your honesty.


Thanks also so much for supporting me - I really appreciate that you told me to go to the doctor after treating me, as I know how loyal you are to homoeopathy.

Love and light

Homeopathy for the Family Review

I would recommend this course to any woman or man who wants to understand our whole human self. What I also loved about the course was Rebecca enthusiasm towards intuition. Which I believe is one our gifts that we all ignore at times . The power of the mind is a phenomenal tool and should be used as a tool to harness our well being . 
Thank you again Rebecca for such a warm , educational and fun weekend . 
Love it with all my being !

Homoeopathy for the Family review

Dear Rebecca,

Your course was very, very good.  I'm saturated with knowledge right now.  I really want to work very in depth on all my 'stuff'.  My old patterns, my ailments, I want to confront old kak and shift it.  Thank you for inspiring me to deal with old wounds.  I feel very empowered by your course.

I feel very empowered after this weekend.  I chatted to my mom re vaccinations and she seems satisfied with my choice, 'No vaccinations'.

 Thanks for a brilliant weekend,

Homoeopathy for Mental Health talk review

Hi Rebecca


Many thanks for the power points which I did receive and they are a good reminder of your inspirational talk last week!  I very much enjoyed the session and the warmth that was created by yourself and the group.  

Thank you again for a really helpful and enjoyable evening.  Your experience in the South African townships made the evening even more inspirational.  Homeopathy is such a valuable healing tool, if only the medical profession could see that they would save billions for the nhs!!

Patient review

I am 19 years old living in Cape Town, South Africa. I have had a few online sessions with Rebecca Sturgeon over the past few months and they have made a noticeable improvement in my overall health and wellbeing. I am very happy with the progress made since our first session and I love that she is able to create a treatment plan that is carefully chosen and curated specifically for me and my needs individually in order to really target the root of my symptoms. Not only are her remedies long term effective but she is also such a lovely lady with a great sense of humour. I felt very comfortable discussing my concerns with her and I left each session feeling incredibly lighter.

KL Patient review
Patient review
Rebecca kindly and carefully helped me to explore all areas of my health……physical, emotional and mental . Matching the remedies to my symptoms have resulted in healing and positive energy.
Rebecca has been my homeopath for many years.  I have been able to work with her, because she has been able to work with me.  We have worked together.  This is very important to me, as I am someone who has had to work very hard on my own life and health and have found other practitioners who discount my input.  I have had the good fortune to feel truly heard and listened to, by Rebecca and then, to have the further advantage of her knowledge, experience and expertise as a homeopath of skill and many years’ practice.  I value Rebecca’s intuitive way of working, including me in the sensing out of a remedy.  Rebecca has walked alongside me, patiently, in what has turned out to be a long journey, always available and prepared to dive in once more.  One further thing to say that I’ve truly appreciated about working with Rebecca, is that she has helped me with my family, my children and being a mother.  

Homoeopathy for the Family review

dearest rebecca,
back in berlin and the daily ho hum starts again ,although i have to say i feel so much more present and grounded!
i really loved your class and found it so much informative. i have been using the remedies for quite a few years now,but since doing your class i understand it much more and love how you instilled the pictures of each of the 10 remedies we look at in my head,now deciding on which one to go with is much quicker and the results so amazing sometimes- i call it my WOW moments:) it literally works in minutes, thank you beautiful,homoeopathic goddess you are:)))

it was really lovely seeing you again and feel so privilige to have had the chance to do the course with you and being in your beautiful,goddess space.
i do have a distinct feeling we have met before in other life times.

Homoeopathy for the Family review

I found the course to be packed with vital & interesting information that added to my basic knowledge of homoeopathy. 
Rebecca is vibrant, enthusiastic & completely in love with her work which is very infectious! 
The course is great for building confidence in your abilities to self diagnose & prescribe as well as demystifying the hows, whys & whats of various remedies. 
I would highly recommend it to new parents & parents as there is masses of information relating to childhood dis-ease & first aid.

Homoeopathy for the Family review

I found the Course very interesting and encouraging to use Homeopathy to help remedy my family.
Your energy filled the room, which shows your love and passion for healing with Homeopathy. 

I look forward to learning more and being more confident.

Homoeopathy for the Family review

I so enjoyed the two day course that Rebecca offered
Rebecca has brought homeopathy to life for me and has made it tangible and easy to understand!  Her fun, interactive style of presentation makes the time fly and makes you wish that the two days lasted longer!

Thank you so much Rebecca - cannot tell you how much I appreciate my new found knowledge and how it has awoken a hunger to know more! My boys are already doing better for it and I find myself babbling on about the wonders of homeopathy to anyone who is willing to listen :)
Thank you!!

Homoeopathy for the Family review

It has been a blessing finding Homeopathy through Rebecca. I completed the ‘family remedy’ course with her and this has provided me with the competence to help those that are ill around me – and if I’m unsure I always check with Rebecca. It is such a liberating feeling to be able to treat ones loved ones.

Patient review

I consulted Rebecca after experiencing skin eruptions and an acute infection.  I immediately felt I was in safe hands, I found her to be extremely caring and sympathetic with a deep knowledge and understanding of the subject.  She has a very perceptive nature which enables her to explore the whole person in depth and find the perfect remedy. 
I have felt complete confidence in her approach, she went the extra-mile in her follow up service and most importantly I am feeling better.  Big big thank you my dear!

Patient review

Rebecca has been our family homeopath for almost two years. She is the fifth homeopath we have tried in the past 9 years and she has given me evidence for the saying "if homeopathy doesn't work, don't fire homeopathy, fire the homeopath" - because this has been very true for us. 

While the other homeopaths we went to were successful in treating a number of the acute illnesses and ailments we had, they did not seem to get to the bottom of the underlying, deeper issues - that seemed to hand around and plague us (the worst being my son's very allergenic constitution which I had to be very strict with avoiding allergens until Rebecca's very deep acting remedy changed the way his body responded to it, so that he could manage the allergen better and have a less restricted life (now we can have phases of "transgressions" and recover from them without such extreme responses, as long as he has good nutrition backing him up, which should be there anyway!). 

Rebecca not only prescribes remedies, she is also very well endowed in common sense and a complete lack of fear in sharing it very helpfully... and she will tell you what you need to hear (not always what you want to hear), but will do it with so much compassion that you will see its value for what it is.... and thats what makes her SUCH a gem!! 

Patient review


Patient review


01225 466 944 (or click on the phone number to book at Bath Natural Remedies, formally Neal's Yard Bath)

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