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Writer's pictureRebecca Sturgeon

Boy to man......cutting the apron strings ceremony.

I wrote this in 2013.

There is nothing like a good dose of family and friends (with you or in spirit).

Last week we met to be witness to my eldest son's ceremony: cutting the aprons strings. The women stood in a half circle and the men in another half circle and the circle was held together by my sons bestest male and female friends.

My son and I entered into the female half of the circle and these are some of the words I spoke:

'The half circle of women includes grandmothers, aunties and any other significant women in my son's life. We represent the mothers house: the feminine, the early nurture and the wisdom to know when we, as mothers, must let our children go.

The half circle of men, again, includes the grandfathers, uncles and any other significant men in my son's life. They represent the fathers house: the masculine, protection, strength and initiation into the fathers house: manhood.

Between the two circles stand two important friends in my son's life, they bring the two halves together, and they hold between them the ribbons, these are symbolically the aprons strings, when he cuts these he will be handed over to the fathers house.'

When I handed him the scissors I told him that the door to my house and heart are always open. He cut through and went to the fathers house, where the men gathered him up and carried him round to the back of the house whilst the women went into the house to prepare the feast and hold me in the ceremonial space.

I had asked the men to please give my son a gift of something that they would like to tell a boy going into manhood. This male space was sacred and private, I do not know what was said.

When we where ready my son came to the front door and knocked and I let him in and the feasting commenced.

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